Measuring Effectiveness
Purchasing a New Home is a significant expense for most consumers and with many Developers in the UK marketplace, there is a wide variety of approach and quality and for many purchasers it comes down to location, design and suitability. Often, expectations of perfection are present in a purchaser’s mind when buying a New Home, which is aided by the glossy and high-quality marketing and sales approach of many Developers.
Usually, quality customer-service and customer satisfaction go hand in hand with making profits and realising a successful business, and most Developers in the UK are genuinely committed to treating customers fairly and producing good quality homes. However, a Consumer Code as a self-regulatory presence is important to ensure that the consumer’s interests are not forgotten so that commercial pressures of development do not become the key decision making criteria since Developers who sign up to the Code are committed to abiding by the mandatory Code requirements.
And that is where the Consumer Code for New Homes comes in.
In order to maintain an effective and workable Consumer Code, it is essential to continually monitor the performance of Code Members & Code Users and as such, regular monitoring activities are undertaken and the data analysed, to enable the reporting of the findings on a regular basis internally. The Code Sponsor also produces an annual report which indicates ratios of performance against the key Code criteria, actions and remedies taken together with a review of the Code’s performance in improving the customer experience and quality of completed New Homes.
Ultimately these activities aim to drive up the quality of customer service and construction of New Homes, protecting the consumer from unnecessary headaches or detriment in the process.
Measuring the Effectiveness of the Code
An annual review of the key performance indicators will be conducted by the Code Sponsor in order to establish if the measures remain effective and whether there are any priority areas which need to be addressed. The Code’s Board of Directors will review the results of this review and make recommendations as to any improvement or amendments which are required.
In order to collect the data to inform the Key Performance Indicators, to ensure the Code remains relevant and effective, regular Buyer surveys will be carried out to assess levels of customer satisfaction. Developer audits, Developer reviews and assessments of customer satisfaction feedback and complaints will all be carried out to assess and monitor compliance with the Code and to identify areas for improvement both in the Code itself and for Developers’ application of the Code.
Every year, the Code will publish an Annual Report which will be published here for public review and presented by the Board to interested stakeholders.
The Code is newly established: the first Annual Report will be due end of 2019.
Within the report itself, information on the key performance indicators and general Code performance data will be displayed in a combination of tables (showing numbers, percentages and proportions), bar charts and pie charts as relevant. Commentary will be provided to help analyse and interpret results.
Annual Reports
Every year, the Code will publish an Annual Report which will be published here for public review and presented by the Board to interested stakeholders.
The first annual report was published in 2019.
Within the report itself, information on the key performance indicators and general Code performance data is displayed in a combination of tables (showing numbers, percentages and proportions), bar charts and pie charts as relevant. Commentary will be provided to help analyse and interpret results.